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5 Killer Leg Workout Routines with Resistance Bands

One of the best things about using bands while working out is that they’re convenient and can be packed to go anywhere, but can be substituted for traditional weights, including dumbbells and barbells. Below are 5 killer resistance band leg workouts you can start doing right now. 

3 Keys to Great Resistance Band Leg Workouts

Even if you have resistance bands at your disposal right now, they’re only as effective as you make them. To get the results that you want from a good workout requires a little discipline. The workouts below are definitely effective, but you’ve got to challenge yourself a little to see a change. 

These workouts use a small resistance band that is circular (no handles) and can easily be placed securely around your ankles or above your knees. 

Not sure how to do one of the exercises? The definitions for each of the exercises are given below the workouts


Workout #1

1 – 12 Fire Hydrants, each side
2 – 12 Tabletop Glute Kickbacks, each side
3 – 20 Glute Bridge Pulses
4 – 20 Resistance Band Squats


Workout #2

1 – 12 Glute Bridge with Alternating Leg Raise, each side
2 – 15 Clamshells, each side
3 – 15 Standing Glute Kickbacks, each side
4 – 20 Lateral Band Walks, alternating


Workout #3

1 – 10 Single Leg Stands, each leg
2 – 20 Squat Jacks
3 – 15 Banded Lunges, each leg
4 – 10 Single Leg Deadlifts, each leg


Workout #4

1 – 10 Step Out and High Knees, each side
2 – 15 Quarter Squat Tap Backs, each leg
3 – 15 Squat to Hip Openers, each side
4 – 15 Tabletop Glute Kickbacks, each leg


Workout #5

1 – 10 Step Out and High Knees, each side
2 – 10 Resistance Band Leg Lifts, each side
3 – 20 Diagonal Band Walks, alternating
4 – 30 Bicycle Crunches with Band, alternating 


Doing The Exercises for the Resistance Band Leg Workouts


Banded Lunge

Place a small resistance band around your ankles. The band’s resistance should be on the easier side as you’re taking a big step forward to do a lunge. With your feet hip width apart, step forward into a lunge. Stand up, and step back as slowly as possible. Repeat on the opposite side and continue doing this exercise until complete. 


Bicycle Crunch with Band

Lying flat back, place a small resistance band around both feet. Bring your knees up in the air, and lace your fingertips behind your head. Slowly begin doing the bicycle crunches by driving your right foot forward until it’s as close to parallel with the ground as possible while drawing your right elbow toward your left knee. Alternate and repeat. 



Begin by lying on your right. side. Place a small resistance band just over the top of both knees (but not on your knee cap). Bend your legs so they’re stacked on top of each other. Without lifting your ankle, open your left knee to the sky, then return back slowly. Repeat then flip over to the opposite side. 


Diagonal Band Walk

Begin standing with a small band above both knees (but not on your knee caps). Stand with your feet hip width apart and knees bent to about 45 degrees. With your right leg, walk diagonally out, then repeat on your left side walking your leg diagonally out. You’ll need plenty of space for this exercise. This exercise is perfect for a hallway. 


Fire Hydrant

Place a small band above your knees (but not on your knee caps), then come down onto your hands and knees. Your knees should be about hip-width apart. Without moving your upper body, open your right leg out to the side. Slowly return back to the ground, then repeat on the opposite side. Keep your abs in the entire time. 


Glute Bridge Pulses

Lying flat on your back, place the band over the tops of your knees (but not on your knee caps). Your feet should be about hip width apart. Press your hips as high into the air as possible. Hold for a second, lower down halfway, then press up into the air again. Pulse like this through the duration of your exercise. 


Glute Bridge with Alternating Leg Raise

Lying flat on your back, place the band over the tops of your knees (but not on your knee caps). Your feet should be about hip width apart. Press your hips as high into the air as possible. Driving down with your right heel, straighten out your left leg and raise into the air. Hold for a second, then return to the ground. Repeat on the opposite side. 


Lateral Band Walk

Begin standing with a small band above both knees (but not on your knee caps). Stand with your feet hip width apart and knees bent to about 45 degrees. Simply walk out to the right, return to center, then walk to the left. Continue through the duration of the exercise. 


Quarter Squat Tap Back

Begin standing with a small band above both knees (but not on your knee caps). Stand with your feet hip width apart and knees bent to about 45 degrees. Simply take a small step back, tapping your right foot. Return to center and repeat on the opposite side. Continue through the duration of the exercise. 


Resistance Band Leg Lifts

Begin standing with a small band above your ankles. Your feel should be hip width apart. Draw your abs in then lift your right leg out to the side. Come back to standing then repeat on the opposite side. Continue through the duration of the exercise. 


Resistance Band Squats

Begin standing with a small band above both knees (but not on your knee caps). Stand with your feet hip width apart and knees bent to about 45 degrees. Bend your hips into a squat, pressing outward, then come back to standing. Repeat through the duration of the exercise. 


Single Leg Deadlift

Begin standing with a small band above your ankles. Your feel should be hip width apart. Draw your abs in then lift your right leg slightly behind you. Keeping your back as straight as possible slowly bend over reaching toward the ground. Continue through your right side before continuing on the left. 


Single Leg Stands (from chair)

Begin by sitting in a chair. Place a small resistance band above your knees (but not on your knee caps). Start by lifting your left foot off the ground, then coming to a standing position with only your right leg supporting your. Slowly come back down to a seated position. Continue through your right side before continuing on the left. 

Squat Jacks

Begin standing with a small band above both knees (but not on your knee caps). Stand with your feet hip width apart and knees bent to about 45 degrees. Holding the bend in your knees, move into a jumping jack-type motion, springing your feet out, then back in. Repeat this modified jumping jack exercise through the duration of the exercise. 


Squat to Hip Opener

Begin standing with a small band above both knees (but not on your knee caps). Stand with your feet hip width apart and knees bent to about 45 degrees. Keeping your knees bent, open your right knee out to the side (don’t touch the ground), then come back to center. Continue through your right side before continuing on the left. 


Standing Glute Kickbacks

Begin standing with a small band above your ankles. Place your hands on your hips, draw your abs in, and keep your legs straight (don’t bend your knees). Kick your right leg back, engaging in through your glutes, then return to center. Continue through your right side before continuing on the left. 


Step Out and High Knee

Begin standing with a small band above both knees (but not on your knee caps). Stand with your feet hip width apart and knees bent to about 45 degrees. Take a giant step out on your right side, then come to standing. As you come to standing, pull your right knee up toward your chest before taking another giant step out to your right side. Continue through your right side before continuing on the left. 


Tabletop Glute Kickbacks

Begin with a small band above your knees (but not on your knee caps). In a tabletop position, on your hands and knees, kick your right heel up to the ceiling. Return your right knee/foot back to the ground. Continue through your right side before continuing on the left. 


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