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The Complete Guide to Creating a Workout Plan: Everything to Know

Working out is about finding a routine that works for you and your fitness needs. But, that doesn’t mean creating a workout plan will be easy.

In fact, it can become quite challenging because there are several types of workouts and muscle groups you’ve got to think about when creating your weekly workout schedule. Much like any other aspect of working out, while it might seem overwhelming to create a workout plan, the gains are what you need to look forward to.

Get ready to start setting your weight loss goals after checking out this guide on how to create a workout plan.

Set Your Fitness Goals

Before you can start creating your workout plan, take some time to determine the fitness goals you want to achieve. You should do this because your particular goals will determine the types of exercises and workouts you put on your fitness plan.

Another reason you need to set goals is that the things you’re trying to achieve will determine what you eat as well. For example, if you’re in the bulking phase, you might increase your protein intake.

But, when you’re done with the bulking phase, you might change what you’re eating to correlate better with what you’re trying to do. Your goals will help no matter what stage of exercise you’re in.

As you define what your goals are, we recommend you use the SMART method:

  • S – Specific: be specific about your goals and ensure they are clear
  • M – Measurable: make your goals easy to measure in order to note progress
  • A – Achievable: goals should be attainable and realistic
  • R – Relevant: keep goals relevant to your circumstances or situation
  • T – Timely: set a deadline for goals to boost motivation

The SMART method is the best goal-setting method and can be applied to several areas of your life, including fitness.

Determine How Much Time You Have to Workout

Another factor to consider before you begin to build your workout plan is the amount of time you’ll allot to working out. The amount of time you can dedicate to working out will depend on your lifestyle.

Do you have children? Do you work more than sixty hours a week? If so, you might consider working out for thirty minutes instead of an hour, or you might decide to work out in the evenings instead of in the morning.

Sometimes breaking up your workout routine would be more beneficial for your needs. For example, you might do all your cardio in the morning and focus on lifting weights in the late afternoon.

Once you determine the best time for you to work out, stick to it. To achieve your fitness goals, you’ve got to stay consistent with your workout routine. 

You’re not going to get results if you’re constantly flaking out or not finishing your workout after starting it. While we’re on the topic of deciding how long to work out and when, we should discuss where.

Is there a gym on your way home, or do you prefer to partake in at-home workouts? Knowing these answers will make it easier to get your workout in at the right time of day.

If you’re a beginner, we recommend sitting down with trained fitness professionals to determine the best classes to take to help you reach your fitness goals.

Choose Different Exercises

As mentioned previously, different exercises will help you achieve different things. The types of exercises you can incorporate into your workout plan include:

  • Aerobics
  • Coordination and agility
  • Strength training
  • Balance
  • Flexibility and mobility

Strength training exercises are best for people who want to increase the lean muscle mass they have. There are several strength training exercises you can use that target different areas of the body, such as the back of your legs.

Strength training can be broken up into weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing exercises depending on how much muscle you want to build and the time frame you’ve given yourself to build it.

Aerobic exercise is a low impact form of exercise and incorporates things like:

  • Hiking 
  • Dancing 
  • Cycling

All of these exercises fall into the cardio category and are great for improving your cardiovascular health. Typically, you can always integrate some high-intensity interval training into your workout calendar if you’re short on time.

How do you plan to keep yourself upright and walking if you don’t have balance? The answer is that without balance, you can’t do any of that, which means you should be looking to incorporate balance and stability training into your workout plan as well.

The other exercise types we’ve listed in this post have their own advantages and disadvantages. It’s up to you to decide which to use. Keep in mind that you can list various combinations of exercises on your training schedule.

How Many Sets to Perform

Now that we’ve decided on the days and times when you’ll work out, it’s time to start writing out your workout plans. When you’re building muscle or losing weight, you will do a specific amount of each exercise.

You should stick with the standard 10 repetitions for 2-3 sets if you’re a beginner. As you become more comfortable with the exercises and your form, you can begin to increase the number of repetitions you perform and the number of sets.

If you want to build muscle or burn fat, the number of repetitions and sets you do will change. For example, if you’re going to burn fat while at the same time building your muscles, you should go for a set of 12 repetitions for one to two sets.

If you begin to find out that lifting 12 repetitions is too easy, it’s time to increase either the weight or the number of repetitions you perform. You should feel some resistance, but the weights you’re using when performing each repetition shouldn’t feel as if they’re impossible to lift.

Send Yourself Reminders

When you get into the throes of your day, it’s easy to forget that you’ve got to go workout. However, things become easier to remember when you send yourself reminders or set notifications to go off at a specific part of the day.

If you’ve signed up to take different fitness classes, you can ask them to sign you up for email or text notifications. The notifications typically go out a couple of hours before the class to remind you of the time and type of class you’ve signed up for.

Another reason to opt for reminders is that if you know you won’t be present for the class, you can call the program coordinator and let them know to remove you from the list. This makes it possible for someone else to fill your spot if they’ve been waiting to take the class.

Track Your Progress

After you’ve been working out for a consistent period, how will you know if you’ve made any progress? Earlier, we discussed setting your goals and making them measurable. Otherwise, it’ll be hard to tell if you’re moving toward your goals the way you’d hoped.

For example, some fitness instructors have you take photos before you begin working out. This serves as a physical representation of the progress you’ve made throughout the time you’ve been working out.

If you’re not comfortable taking photos, you can always rely on taking your measurements before you’ve begun working out and then again when you’ve reached the halfway mark. If you realize the things you’re doing aren’t working or helping you get closer to your goals, you can return the drawing board.

Again, the large variety of exercises and muscle groups available to work out means there is some form of exercise that will be beneficial for everybody. It’s just about ensuring you choose the proper exercise for you and your body.

If you’re working out at a fitness gym, the trainer you work with will have a system they use to track your progress. You’ll have regular meetings to check in with them and learn if you’re making the progress you want to make.

Creating a Workout Plan: Let’s Get Physical

Creating a workout plan is the first thrilling step in changing your body and getting healthier. Before working out, define the goals you want to achieve and make them measurable.

Don’t forget to diversify your exercises and track the progress you make while you’re working out. If you’re ready to make your fitness a priority, take the next step and contact Step Fitness Online.

Let us help you choose a workout program that will work for you.

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